If you need translation services, call 1-855-373-4636 and ask for a translator. Call TTY/TDD 1-800-735-2966/1-800-735-2466 for American Sign Language. If you are deaf or hard of hearing, call Relay Missouri at 711.

MO HealthNet Programs

MO HealthNet offers healthcare coverage through either a Managed Care health plan (also referred to as MAGI) or the Fee-For-Service Program (referred to as non-MAGI). Which program you get your services through depends on your age and eligibility. If you are not sure which program you have, log in to the FSD Benefit Portal for more information about your coverage.

Managed Care Health Plan

You will get your MO HealthNet coverage through one of the Managed Care Health Plans: Healthy Blue, United Healthcare, or Home State Health if you are a:

  • Parent or caretaker with a child under age 19
  • Child age birth-18
  • Woman age 18-55 with no health insurance
  • Adult age 19-64 with no disabilities
  • Pregnant woman (including your unborn child)

Review the Managed Care Guide for more information about your program. 

También está disponible una versión en español de la Guía de atención administrada: Su Guía de Managed Care.

Fee for Service Program

You will get your MO HealthNet coverage through the Fee-For-Service Program if you are:

  • Age 65 or older
  • Have a disability
  • Are blind or visually impaired
  • Are a woman under age 65 with breast or cervical cancer

Review the MO HealthNet Fee-For-Service Guide for more information about your program.

También está disponible una versión en español de la guía de pago por servicio: Su guía del programa Pago Por Servicio de MO HealthNet

NOTE: Certain individuals will get their coverage through Show Me Healthy Kids (SMHK). 

Can I get a ride to my appointment?

If you have an appointment with your healthcare provider and you need a ride, you may be able to get one through Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT). Learn more on the NEMT webpage.

You will need to call at least 3 days before your appointment to arrange a ride (unless you need to go to urgent care or are being discharged from the hospital).

Covered Services

Refer to the chart below for what services are covered based on your type of coverage. Work with your healthcare provider to determine if the service you need is covered. 


Service Managed Care Members Fee-For-Service Participants
24-hour access by phone
Adult Day Health Care ✔ **
Ambulatory Surgical Center
Asthma ✔*
Behavioral Health & Substance Use Disorders (including emergency) ✔ **
Birthing Center
Care Management ✔ **
Chiropractic services ✔*
Complementary health & alternative therapy for chronic pain ✔*
Comprehensive Day Rehabilitation (recovery from serious head injury) ✔* ✔ **
Diabetes education & self-management training ✔*
Diabetes Prevention Program ✔*
Dental services ✔* ✔ **
Diabetic supplies & equipment ✔* ✔ **
Doctor's office visits
Durable Medical Equipment ✔*
Emergency room
Family planning services
Habilitative skilled therapy services ✔*
Healthy Children & Youth (HCY) services
Hearing aids & related services ✔* ✔ **
HIV treatment
Home Health Services ✔*
Hospice (last 6 months of life) ✔*