The MO HealthNet Division currently offers comprehensive dental services for children, pregnant women, the blind, and residents of a nursing facility. Coverage for adults is limited and includes dental services and care related to trauma of the mouth, jaw, teeth, or other contiguous sites.
Education & Training
- MO HealthNet Education & Training
- Billing for Dental Procedures provided in an Ambulatory Surgical Center
- Hospital Billing for Dental in Outpatient Setting
- There's A Rate Increase, Now What?
- Understanding Available Benefits
- 2024 MO HealthNet Dental Billing & Policy Workshop
MO HealthNet News
The table below provides general information and updates that are relevant to this program page, as well as all MO HealthNet providers. To find information for all other MO HealthNet programs, or to search by date, program or keyword, visit the MO HealthNet News page. If you would like to receive updates in your inbox, subscribe to MO HealthNet News!