
Providers: The new and simplified online MO HealthNet Spend Down Provider form allows providers to verify qualified expenses to meet a participant's spend down. The online form should be completed when the provider has a MO HealthNet participant who has qualified for spend down and an actual bill is not yet available. By completing the online form, providers verify that the participant has incurred and personally owes payment for services they provided. 

The new online form replaces the previously used MO HealthNet Spend Down Provider form (MO 866-4501). However, if a provider still requires the form, they should access the new MO HealthNet Spend Down Provider form (IM-29PROV)

A new online form allows participants to provide proof of qualifying expenses and identify which months the expenses should be applied to. Participants should access the online MO HealthNet Spend Down Participant form to submit qualifying expenses.

If participants are not able to complete the form online, they can also access and print the form as a PDF document. Access the new MO HealthNet Spend Down Participant form (IM-29SDP). For more information, refer to the Spend Down flyer.

For more information on the Spend Down Program, watch the MO HealthNet Provider Training Calendar for the Eligibility and Spend Down webinar. This training that offers over 100 seats fills fast! To review the information presented during this webinar, visit Eligibility and Spend Down training

For additional resources, refer to the Education and Training Resources page and/or sign up for a live webinar by accessing our Provider Training Calendar—email sends email) for more information.