What is the SkillUP Program?
SkillUP is a free program that helps SNAP (Food Stamp) recipients get help with skills, training, and employer connections to get a job (or a better job). A SkillUP job coach will work with you to create an individual plan to help you reach your goals and start a new career. The SkillUP program can also help you:
- Pay for short-term training and certifications
- Create or update your resume
- Decide on your goals and a career pathway
- Get real work experience
- Connect you with employers
- Connect with resources such as childcare and housing assistance
- Buy clothing, books, supplies, or tools required for a training or a job
- Pay for minor car repairs to help you get to training or work
The SkillUP Program is funded by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food and Nutrition Service (FNS). The program is also funded through the Administration for Children and Families, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families block grant.
How do I get started?
SkillUP is offered free of cost through a number of agencies across Missouri. Find a provider near you to get started today!
SNAP Work Requirements
If you are a SNAP participant who is able to work, you may be required to send the Family Support Division (FSD) proof that you are completing at least 80 hours of employment and/or training activities monthly. Hours can also be met through participation in the SkillUP Program. You could be exempt from the work requirement if you:
- Have a dependent in your household under age 18
- Are under age 18 or over age 54
- Already work 30 or more hours per week
- Do not work because of a physical or mental health reason
- Participate with work requirements for TA
- Take care of a child under age 6 or someone who needs help caring for themselves
- Receive unemployment benefits, or applied for them
- Participate in a drug or alcohol treatment program
- Go to school, college, or training program for at least half-time
- Are homeless
- Are Pregnant
- Have circumstances that are beyond your control and require you to stay home
- Are age 24 or under and aged out of foster care at age 18 or older (any state, district, territory, or tribal organization applies)
- Served in any branch of the US Armed Forces, including Reserves/Guard, regardless of the conditions of discharge or release.
If you get a letter from FSD stating that you are required to submit proof of work or training hours, you can submit your documents in one of the following ways:
Online: mydssupload.mo.gov
Fax: 573-526-9400
Mail: Family Support Division
PO Box 2700
Jefferson City, MO 65102
Office: Visit your local FSD Resource Center
If you have more questions about SNAP work requirements, start a chat with us online at mydss.mo.gov, or visit our Frequently Asked Questions
More Information
- SkillUP Brochure
- SkillUP Brochure (Spanish)
- SkillUP Success Stories
- Learn more about your rights
- Voter Registration Form
- SkillUP Employment & Training Opportunities Video (English) (Spanish)
- MO FFY25 E&T State Plan
- MO FFY25 E&T Operating Budget