Manage My Benefit
Check EBT Balance
See how much money you have left on your EBT card this month.
Report a Change
Let us know if your information (like your address or income) has changed.
Check My Status
Check the status of your SNAP benefit or application in the FSD Benefit Portal.
Request a New Card
Learn how to get a new EBT card if yours has been lost, damaged or stolen.
Job Training
Learn more about the SkillUP Program & how to get started.
Find a SNAP Retailer
Search for a store near you that takes SNAP benefits.
What happens after I'm approved?
Once you are approved for SNAP, you will get your Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) card in the mail. Your monthly benefit will be loaded on this card. You can check the Monthly EBT benefit schedule to see what day your benefit will be loaded to your card every month. You will also be able to get help with employment and job training through the SkillUP Program at no cost to you.
How long will I get help?
You can get SNAP benefits for as long as you are eligible for help. You will be required to complete a mid-certification and a recertification - (Espanol) each year you get SNAP to make sure your household is still eligible. If you do not return your information by the deadline on the form, you may lose your benefits.
- Your mid-certification will happen halfway through your benefit period. We will send you a form in the mail that must be completely filled out, signed, and all pages returned to the Family Support Division by the deadline so you do not lose your benefits. You must complete this form even if you do not have any changes.
- Around the end of your SNAP benefit period, you will get a recertification packet in the mail. You will need to complete this, return it to the Family Support Division, and complete an interview to continue getting SNAP benefits.
NOTE: It is important that you report any changes (Espanol) to your contact information, including your address, so you will get these important letters in the mail. If you do not respond to mail from the FSD, you could lose your benefit.
SNAP Work Requirements
If you are a SNAP participant who is able to work, you may be required to send the Family Support Division (FSD) proof that you are completing at least 80 hours of employment and/or training activities monthly. Hours can also be met through participation in the SkillUP Program. You could be exempt from the work requirement if you:
- Have a dependent in your household under age 18
- Are under age 18 or over age 52
- Already work 30 or more hours per week
- Do not work because of a physical or mental health reason
- Participate with work requirements for TA
- Take care of a child under age 6 or someone who needs help caring for themselves
- Receive unemployment benefits, or applied for them
- Participate in a drug or alcohol treatment program
- Go to school, college, or training program for at least half-time
- Are homeless
- Are Pregnant
- Have circumstances that are beyond your control and require you to stay home
- Are age 24 or under and aged out of foster care at age 18 or older (any state, district, territory, or tribal organization applies)
- Served in any branch of the US Armed Forces, including Reserves/Guard, regardless of the conditions of discharge or release.
If you get a letter from FSD stating that you are required to submit proof of work or training hours, you can submit your documents in one of the following ways:
- Online: mydssupload.mo.gov
- Fax: 573-526-9400
- Mail: Family Support Division, PO Box 2700, Jefferson City, MO 65102
- Office: Visit your local FSD Resource Center
If you have more questions about SNAP work requirements, start a chat with us online at mydss.mo.gov, or visit our Frequently Asked Questions
How do I use my EBT Card?
When you are approved for SNAP, your Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) card will be sent to the home address you listed, within 5-7 business days. Your EBT card will work much like a debit card, and you will have a PIN number you will need to enter. To set up – or change - your EBT pin number, please call the EBT vendor help desk at 800-997-7777. It is important that you keep your EBT card and PIN number safe and secure(Español) at all times. You can use your EBT card in any grocery store or retail location in the United States that displays the Quest Mark® logo or online at approved locations.
You cannot use your SNAP benefits to buy:
- Alcohol or tobacco
- Hot prepared foods or foods prepared to be immediately eaten
- Vitamins, medicine, supplements
- Non-food items such as paper products, soap, or pet food
Can I replace food lost in a disaster?
If you lose food purchased with your EBT card due to a power outage caused by weather, ice storm, fire, flood, tornado or other household misfortune outside your control, you may request a SNAP benefit replacement. To report a loss and begin the process of receiving replacement benefits, you must complete and submit an Online Replacement Request within 10 days of the event. You may also print the Replacement Request Form and submit it by fax (573) 526-9400 or mail to: Family Support Division, P.O. Box 2700, Jefferson City, MO 65102.
NOTE: Electricity being disconnected by the power company due to non-payment of the utility bill is NOT considered a household misfortune/disaster.
How to report Electronically Stolen Benefits?
Electronically Stolen Benefits is defined as benefits stolen without your permission while your EBT card is in your possession (card skimming, card cloning, phishing scams, or other similar fraud methods). To report a loss and begin the process of receiving replacement benefits, you must complete and submit an Electronically Stolen Benefit Replacement Request form within 10 days of the event. You may also print the Electronically Stolen Benefit Replacement Request and submit it by fax (573) 526-9400 or mail to: Family Support Division, P.O. Box 2700, Jefferson City, MO 65102.
Funding for replacement of SNAP electronically stolen benefits is ending December 20, 2024. FSD will continue to process benefits stolen through skimming, cloning, or phishing if they were stolen on or before 12/20/2024.
More information on Protecting Your Benefits can be found here.
More Information
- SNAP Interview FAQs
- Verification Documents
- Authorized Representative Revocation
- Double Up Food Bucks
- EBT Misuse Penalty
- SNAP Medical Deductions for the Elderly & Disabled (English) (Español)
- Food Assistance Brochure
- How to Appoint an Authorized Representative (English) (Español)
- How to Report a Change to FSD (English) (Español)
- Learn about your rights
- Monthly EBT Benefit Schedule
- SkillUP Program
- Tell Us How We’re Doing
- Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program