Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) FAQ

How do providers and facilities register, access, and use the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP)?

For assistance accessing and utilizing the Missouri PDMP, visit the Missouri PDMP.

Visit PMP Clearinghouse to create a new data submitter account.

Pharmacists and prescribers can register with PMP AWARE.

How can health systems enroll their providers?

Providers can register individually for the PDMP anytime at PMP AWARE. The Missouri PDMP is developing a process for mass registration for health facilities. More information will be made available after the first of the year.

Is training available for the Missouri PDMP?

PMP AWARE training materials, like the User Guide and other tutorial resources, are available at the PMP AWARE Support Center.

Data submitters can refer to the PMP Clearinghouse Support Center for training.

How do I get support for issues related to Bamboo Health and the Missouri PDMP?

Support from Bamboo Health is available through the following sites:

Or by calling 844-947-8526.

Contact the Missouri PDMP for more information.

Can health systems integrate the PDMP into their EHR for ease of access?

The Missouri Joint Oversight Task Force for Prescription Drug Monitoring (JOTF) is pleased to announce statewide support to help healthcare providers integrate Missouri PDMP data and NarxCare analytics into approved Electronic Health Records (EHR) and Pharmacy Management Systems (PMS) using Bamboo Health’s PMP Gateway solution. The JOTF will cover the licensing fees associated with the integration service for providers that connect their EHR or PMS to PMP Gateway. New integration requests will begin after 01/10/24. Request new integrations at Bamboo Health Customer Connect.

When is a prescriber required to check the PDMP?

The SUPPORT Act requires the prescriber to check the PDMP before prescribing a controlled substance (Schedule II through Schedule IV) to a MO HealthNet participant. The prescriber may delegate the query of the PDMP to another staff member. Information on delegates allowed in the Missouri PDMP can be found under the Statutes/Rules tab.

“Before” does not require the prescriber to check the PDMP while the participant is being seen; the PDMP may be queried before the prescriber sees the participant. If a controlled substance prescription is generated for the participant to take home, the PDMP must be checked before the controlled substance (Schedule II through Schedule IV) is prescribed.

Does the requirement apply to non-MO HealthNet participants?

The requirement applies only to MO HealthNet participants. This includes participants who have MO HealthNet coverage as secondary, dual eligible participants, and participants enrolled in Managed Care. If your patient does not have MO HealthNet as a primary or secondary payer, this requirement does not apply to that patient.

How is the PDMP retrieval and review documented?

The prescriber must document in the participant’s medical record the date and time the information was retrieved and the date and time when it was reviewed.

Is the PDMP review required for all MO HealthNet participants?

The requirement applies to all MO HealthNet participants, including participants who have MO HealthNet coverage as secondary, dual eligible participants, and participants enrolled in Managed Care, unless one of the following exceptions apply:
The PDMP review is not required for participants who are receiving hospice or palliative care or treatment for cancer, receiving the controlled substance in the inpatient setting, a resident of a long-term care facility, or a resident of a facility for which frequently abused drugs are dispensed through a contract with a single pharmacy.

Can this be audited?

Yes. In accordance with Section 5042 of the SUPPORT Act, MMAC has the authority to audit this process to ensure compliance.

Why does MO HealthNet require prescribers to check the PDMP?

On October 24, 2018, President Trump signed the Substance Use-Disorder Prevention that Promotes Opioid Recovery and Treatment (“SUPPORT”) for Patients and Communities Act. The SUPPORT Act includes several provisions directed to the Medicaid program.

Sections 5041 and 5042 of the Act establish the “Medicaid Providers Are Required to Note Experiences in Record Systems to Help In-need Patients Act” or the “Medicaid PARTNERSHIP Act.”

The Medicaid PARTNERSHIP Act requires Medicaid providers to make a “good faith effort” to check a prescription drug monitoring program before prescribing a controlled substance (Schedule II through Schedule IV).