
Vaccines for CHIP Participants

Participants enrolled in the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) are not eligible for vaccines under the Vaccines for Children (VFC) Program. In order for providers to accurately report and document vaccines for CHIP participants, they must take the following steps.

1. Prior to the service, verify eligibility by checking eMOMED. If the participant has a Medical Eligibility (ME) code of 73, 74, or 75, they are enrolled in CHIP. Providers may also verify eligibility by calling the Interactive Voice Response System (IVR) at (573) 751-2896. For a description of all ME codes, review the Provider Resource Guide.

2. Document the participant’s eligibility in their electronic medical record (EMR) or ShowMeVax as a CHIP participant.

3. When documenting the immunization provided, choose CHIP as the funding source. If this is not an option in the EMR, it should be added.

4. If there are no CHIP doses listed in the inventory, providers should document the immunization as a VFC dose and complete a Vaccine Borrowing Report. The borrowing report should be kept onsite for review.

Providers should not open another box of vaccines before using all doses. For example, if a provider has given all of their VFC doses to VFC participants and another VFC participant needs a vaccine, providers should administer a CHIP dose and complete a Vaccine Borrowing Report. For questions about this process, providers should contact, call (866)-256-3166, or the provider’s VFC consultant.