
MO HealthNet pharmacy providers not enrolled in the VFC program cannot administer vaccines to MO HealthNet participants covered under the VFC program. A VFC provider must immunize all MO HealthNet children for VFC vaccines. Through the VFC Program, federally provided vaccines are available at no cost to public and private providers for eligible children ages 0 through 18 years of age. Children that meet at least one of the following criteria are eligible for VFC vaccine:

  • MO HealthNet Enrolled—means a child enrolled in the MO HealthNet Program
  • Uninsured—means a child has no health insurance coverage
  • Native American/Alaskan Native—means those children as defined in the Indian Health Services Act
  • Underinsured—means the child has health insurance, but the benefit plan does not include vaccinations.

Providers may bill for the administration of the free vaccine by using the appropriate VFC Administration Codes. Providers must not use any additional administration procedure code. The MO HealthNet reimbursement for the administration is $5.27 per component. Pharmacies can enroll as VFC providers if they meet all VFC Program requirements, including having a medical provider authorized to prescribe all ACIP-recommended vaccines. They must offer all ACIP-recommended vaccines for the ages they serve. See Missouri’s Vaccines for Children Provider Manual for the requirements and policies of the program.

Click here to find the nearest VFC provider.
Click here to determine eligibility for VFC vaccines flow chart.