Electronic Visit Verification header

What is Electronic Visit Verification?

The CURES Act(link is external) was designed to improve the quality of care provided to individuals, enhance quality control, and strengthen mental health parity. A portion of the bill (Section 12006) requires Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) to be used for all Personal Care Services and Home Health Care Services delivered under the Medicaid program. EVV is a method of utilizing technology to capture point of service information related to the delivery of in-home services. EVV compliance can be achieved in a variety of manners, including but not limited to, the use of mobile applications with GPS capabilities, telephony from a landline, fixed devices and biometric recognition. 

Benefits of using EVV include improved health and welfare of individuals through validation and monitoring of delivery of services; reduction in fraud, waste and abuse; elimination of paper documents to verify services; enhanced efficiency and transparency of services; and more robust data collection and analysis capabilities. 

Missouri has chosen an open model for EVV, which allows personal care service and home health care service providers to use an EVV solution of their choice as long as the EVV vendor is able to integrate successfully with the EVV Aggregator Solution (EAS) hosted by Sandata Technologies. 

In order to provide EVV services in the state of Missouri, all systems must verify the following:

  • Type of service performed:  
    • Requires details specific to tasks for agency model and consumer directed services authorized by the Division of Senior and Disability Services (DSDS)
    • Requires memo field detailing activities performed for Division of Developmental Disabilities (DD)
  • Individual receiving the service 
  • Date of the service 
  • Location of service delivery when it begins and when it ends 
  • Individual providing the service 
  • Time the service begins and ends 

What services require EVV?

In Missouri, an EVV system must be used to document the delivery of personal care or home health care services under the Medicaid program.

Home Health Care Services

  • Nursing (RN/LPN/etc.)
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Physical Therapy
  • Personal Care Aide
  • Speech Therapy
  • Any of the above services reimbursed by a Managed Care Organization

Personal Care Services

  • Advanced Personal Care
  • Chore
  • Consumer-Directed Personal Care
  • Homemaker
  • In-Home Respite authorized by DSDS
  • Personal Care
  • Any of the above services reimbursed by a Managed Care Organization

Note: No exclusions for live-in caregivers.

How to Get Started


Choose Your Vendor

Providers have the option to choose from the list of Missouri-certified EVV vendors

If you choose a vendor that is not on the list, the vendor will need to pass EAS testing



After you choose your EVV vendor, complete your registration form online






Complete Training

At least one person from your agency must complete an eLearning course


MO EAS Provider Training


Log in to EAS

Providers must log in to EAS at least once a week to ensure complete and accurate data.



Provider Responsibilities

Once the EVV vendor has started sending visits to EAS, providers are required to log into EAS(link is external) on a regular basis (at least once a week) to confirm the visit data continues to be sent and is accurate.  If data is absent or inaccurate, providers will need to work with their EVV vendor to troubleshoot and resolve issues. 

Providers who fail to comply with all state and federal EVV regulations are subject to having administrative sanctions listed in 13 CSR 70-3.030(4) imposed by the Missouri Medicaid Audit & Compliance Unit, up to and including termination from the Missouri Medicaid program. For program specific questions email Ask.EVV@dss.mo.gov(link sends email) .